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Newark Central School District staff, from all five schools, the Bus Garage and at the District Office were treated June 7th to ice cream in cones or sundaes thanks to the Newark Board of Education.
The reason?
It was the annual Staff Appreciation Day observance and this year the BOE opted to say “thank you’’ with ice cream to staff that wanted a special treat during their lunch breaks.
BOE member Mary Thoms, early in the morning, went to the Bus Garage and the District Office and set up tables with signs and the fixings for yummy sundaes or cones
During staff lunch breaks, BOE member Miranda Brooks-Ruggeri was on hand to dish up ice cream for sundaes or cones at Newark Middle School.
Likewise, BOE member Russ Harris was at Newark High School; BOE Vice President Julie Nevelizer was at Perkins School and Steven DeRenzo, who was elected to his first three-year term on the BOE in May and will begin serving on the Board in July, served ice cream to staff at Lincoln School.
Ice cream and all the sundae and cone fixings were also available at Kelley School for staff there to enjoy.
And judging from the smiles on the faces of NCSD staff as they enjoyed their cool confections, the kind gesture was much appreciated!