Gearing up for the october production

With just over a month left to prepare the fall drama production, Newark High School Drama Club rehearsals are well underway for “Game of Tiaras,” an over-the-top parody of Shakespeare’s “King Lear” that will be presented October 25th and 26th.

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“The play draws on allusions to Disney princesses and Game of Thrones,” said Director Emily Howard, an English 11 teacher at NHS. “Cinderella, Belle, and Ellie not to be confused with the copyright protected “snow queen” character all compete for control of the magical kingdom of their father, the aging King. The story quickly spirals into chaos as they engage in treachery, backstabbing, and brutal schemes to “win” the game. Audiences will enjoy the ridiculous dialogue and silly antics of princes, guards, soldiers, peasants, and of course…princesses!”

“Last year we tackled the very serious “Dracula” for our fall drama. The students were eager to jump into a comedy. We are having fun in rehearsal building characters and foolish “bits” during moments of the play. I’m very excited to have this many students interested in creating a story together,” Howard said.

Cast includes: Gracie Bennett, Addison Burgess, Isabella Cary, Madison Chamberlain, Kyle Craig, Reagan DeSain, Anna Eckert, Kylie Gravino, Brooklyn Hand, Bailey Harris, Ava Herrington, Ryan Hinks, Julianna House, Isabella Humphrey, Austin Kaufman, Zoe Klingman, Ethan Klock, Zachary Ladd, Mikalya Miller, Spencer Nies, Alexandria Pellegrini, Shyanne Pilozzi, Connor Pilozzi, Victoria Ridley, Braydan Sherman, Camryn Tolleson, Genevieve Witter and Caspian Wunder.

Crew includes: Dean Aldrich, Evelyn Berndt, Oktohber Edmister, Loretta Hobart, Giovanni Modaffari, Liz Pullen, Alex Shestakoff, Rosemary Winkler and Stephanie Wilson.

“Game of Tiaras” will be presented at NHS Friday, Oct. 25th and Saturday, Oct. 26th at 7 p.m.. Tickets are $5 for students/seniors, $7 adults and available at the door only.