Academic Intervention Services Plan

Academic intervention services are defined as additional instruction and/or student support services that supplement the instruction provided in the general curriculum and assist students who are at risk of not achieving the State Learning Standards.

This additional support is provided utilizing a variety of strategies. The following plan is intended to describe academic intervention services for students in the Newark Central School District in grades K-12. In order to enable students to meet the criteria set by the New York State Learning Standards, the Newark Central School District provides academic intervention services (AIS).

These services supplement the general classroom program and assist students in meeting the State Learning Standards. AIS is intended to assist students who are at risk of not achieving the New York State Learning Standards in English Language Arts and/or Mathematics (K-12) and Social Studies and/or Science (grades 4-12); or who are at risk of not gaining knowledge and skills needed to meet or exceed designated performance. These services are to be made available to English Language Learners as well as to students with disabilities on the same basis as students without disabilities to the extent consistent with the studentโ€™s individualized education program.

AIS includes: Academic Instruction: Differentiated instruction that supplements the general classroom program; and/or ๏‚ง Student Support Services needed to address barriers to improved academic performance

Below you will find our comprehensive guide on our we implement our Academic Intervention services plan.