New BOE Officers
I think I'm ready for another adventure
Newark Central School District 2023 Spring Scholar Athletes
Christine Bennett is the new NCSD Executive Director of Human Resources
Flag Day Ceremony Held at Lincoln School
Class of 2023 Top Scholars
Arcadian Dedicated to Jennifer Damick
George to Receive 2023 Cunningham Award
Looking inside of a race was really cool!
Nate Goodness Appointed Principal of Kelley School
2023 Retirees
A Yummy way to say "Thank You" to school district staff
Kelley School ARtists' Work Unveiled at show
This Fall, we'll be kicking off with a new, independent spirit
Capstone Presentation Day - The Crowning Achievement
Kindness on Parade
Winning Performers
Putting a Different Spin on Teacher Appreciation week at Newark Middle School
Quote from Chris Herren
Harris Receives 2023 GVASCD Service Award