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Principal Kari Hamelinck and Assistant Principal Mary Kate Wilbert welcomed everyone to the event that featured refreshments before the musical performances by second graders.
As a token of appreciation for not only being penpals, but coming to the event, the children, working with their teachers, made colorful placemats for guests and stocking ornaments.
Immediately before the performance, Hamelinck thanked those attending for the time they spent being penpals with the second graders.
Lincoln School Music teacher Libby Brozik, who directed the Winter Music Celebration, also taught the students the music and modified steps to traditional dances from around the world.
Lex VerMeersch’s class sang “Hear Those Bells” and performed a Bolivian dance called “Carnavalito.”
Erin Lynch’s class sang “Friends All Around Us” and performed a dance from Mexico called Corrido.
And Danielle Beck, Cara Colf and Becky Herko’s class performed an African/Creole dance called “Bele Kawe” and sang “Peaceful Round.”
The final number performed by the combined second grade classes was “Go In Peace.”
In the event program, Brozik appreciatively thanked:
•Second grade teachers for all their “hard work and support of the young musicians.”
• “Our incredibly supportive Lincoln School Principal Kari Hamelinck.”
•The Lincoln School Maintenance staff who keep our building looking clean and welcoming while also going the extra mile to set up our performance space.”
•“The Lincoln School families for their support of the music program and encouragement for our second grade musicians.”
• “The Newark Music Department for its support of the Lincoln School music learning.”