Mamma Mia!

If the Newark Drama Club’s February 24th seemingly flawless rehearsal of the hit musical comedy “Mamma Mia” is any indication of what’s in store for audiences this weekend, no one should leave the high-energy, superbly directed show in the NHS auditorium disappointed.

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Not surprisingly, Director, Choreographer Emily Howard, also an NHS English teacher has produced another hit show in two months with an enormous and clearly talented cast and crew that’s accentuated by high energy and wonderfully executed dance numbers_ ABBA's hit songs that include “Super Trouper," "Dancing Queen," "Knowing Me, Knowing You," "Take a Chance on Me," "Thank You for the Music," "Money, Money, Money," "The Winner Takes It All," and "SOS.”

The popular and catchy music is flawlessly performed by gifted musicians in the Pit Band directed by Newark Middle School instrumental music teacher Rebekah Valerio. The show’s Music Director, NHS Vocal Music teacher Kate Flock is one of the keyboardists.

“Mamma Mia will have you singing and dancing your way out of the theatre!” Howard happily predicts.

“We are so excited to share this production with our audience,” she said. “This production is the perfect combination of veteran and new performers. We have a very strong core of seniors in the cast and crew who have been part of every production in high school. They brought an immense amount of knowledge and experience to the rehearsal process. In addition to our core of returning players, we have many new faces joining us for the first time. The new cast and crew are feeling the excitement and bringing in a new level of enthusiasm. I am very proud of the group for coming together and making a great product.”

Cast members include: Deikan Bueg as Sky, Addison Burgess as Ali, Kylie Gravino as Sophie Sheridan, Tristan Harris as Eddie, Jeff Hernandez as Pepper, Ryan Hinks as Sam Carmichael, Bella Humphrey as Lisa, Anna Lanse as Donna Sheridan, Cavan McNeil as Bill Austin, Braydan Sherman as Harry Bright, Talmadgha Streeter as Tanya and Mariam White as Rosie.

Cast/Ensemble members include: Lillie Austin, Aurora Brown, Isabella Cary, Madison Chamberlain, Maggie Cornwell, Kylie Craig, Reagan DeSain, Liam DeWaters, Anna Eckert, Avé Ellis, Raina George, Elizabeth Hamelinck, Brooklynn Hand, Bailey Harris, Ava Herrington, Anthony Humphrey, Lily Kerr, Henry Klemann, Gavin Klingman, Zoe Klingman, Ethan Klock, Zachary Ladd, Dominic LaMagna, Katelyn Lochner, Lindsay Miller, Matiece Miller, Mikalya Miller, Giovanni Modaffari, Spencer Nies, Kalyn Norton, Leila Osmen, Alexandra Pellegrini, Shyanne Pilozzi, Elizabeth Potter, Liz Pullen, Victoria Ridley, Naomi Rivera-Romero, Peyton Sandore, Kloie Sergeant, Camryn Tolleson, Douglas Wells, Kenzie Wilck, Genevieve Witter, Kaya Woods and Caspian Wunder

Crew members include: Emma Newark and Shelby Schermerhorn, Stage Managers, Lori Hobart, Deck Crew Manager, and crew members Dean Aldrich, spotlight, Olivia Almekinder, deck, Gracie Bennett, spotlight, Evie Berndt, spotlight, Annaliz Garcia, costumes, Isabella Hartgrove, deck, Jimmy Pellegrini, lightboard, Kendra Vitaro-Harris, deck, Alex Shestakoff, deck, Cameron Veintidos, deck and Stephanie Wilson, deck.

Thomas Visconti and Trent Conklin are the student members of the Pit Band.

Dave Howard is the set designer. Emily and Julie Howard have been in charge of costumes. Mary Lou Bonnell is the accompanist.

The show will be presented in the NHS Auditorium February 28th and March 1st at 7 p.m. and at 2 p.m. March 2nd.

Tickets at the door will be $5 and students and senior citizens and $7 for adults.