Art show winners announced

Newark High School art teachers Kathryn Broach, Keely McGowan and Samantha Rathbun invited students from their various art classes to exhibit artworks they created during the 2023-24 school year in an art show held June 4th-7th.

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The show, held in the Large Group Instruction room featured artwork that ranged from colorful clay food creations to animated GIFs and human skeleton studies.

“A panel of art admirers, news anchors, NHS music teachers, Middle School art teachers, and others judged the show,” McGowan said.

Winners for Media Arts were: First place: Lucas Navarro (grade 10), Second place winners:Jeff Hernandez (grade 11) and Ky Williams (grade 10), Third place: Mikayla Soura (12th grade), and Honorable mention: Loretta Hobart (grade 11).

2D winners were: First place: Emma Titus (grade 10), Second place: Holland Shutter, (grade 12), Third place: Alexandra Staiger-Hau and Honorable mention: Kalyn Norton.

3D winners were: First place: Deanna Simmons (grade 12), Second place: Morgan Paro (grade 11) Third place: Sierra George (grade 11) and Honorable mention: Emma June Fulkrod (grade 11) and John Camblin (grade 10).

Alexandra Staiger-Hau won Best in Show.