NHS Students Win Logo Contest

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Two Newark High School students have received the distinction of designing the winning new official logo for the Four County School Boards Association.

Sophomore Oktohber “Tohbi” Edmister and NHS senior Vera Butchko jointly created the winning logo in Keely McGowan’s Graphic Arts class.

Four County School Boards Association President Russ Harris, also a member of the Newark Board of Education, came to McGowan’s classroom February 16 and presented each of the two students with $50 gift cards.

He was accompanied by Superintendent Susan Hasenauer and NHS Principal Kelly A. Zielke.

The winning logo was one of seven submissions made by McGowan’s students that was sent to the Four County School Boards Association for its consideration.

"Vera and Tohbi put their minds together to work through multiple drafts and reconstructions of the logo, with peer feedback along the way. They created something vibrant and fun, yet it has a classic feeling. I'm proud of the perseverance and brilliance of all of my Graphic Arts students while working on redesigning the logo for the Four County School Board Association,” McGowan said.

In its February publication, an article about the winning logo and its creators appears. “

Tohbi is a talented tenth grader who is interested in many creative hobbies . . . and is a stage manager for the school theater and musicals. Vera is a twelfth grader who has brilliant ideas that are expressed through multiple mediums of art. Vera has been accepted into the Music Recording Technology program at Finger Lakes Community College. She is working to produce music and music festivals in the future.”