Michael Miller
310 Woodlane, Newark, NY 14513
Phone: 315-332-3330
Fax: 315-332-3531
Michael Miller
310 Woodlane, Newark, NY 14513
Phone: 315-332-3330
Fax: 315-332-3531
These are estimated approximate pick up times. Please note that these approximate times, adjustments may be made due to additions or deletions which can affect pick up times. After the first couple of weeks your bus pick up time will be consistent with the exceptions of inclement weather conditions or unexpected delays for other reasons.
Please expect on the first day of school that elementary bus runs may be running late as many parents are putting their child on the bus for their first day of school, so thank you in advance for your patience.
Safety Information
Did you know...
A School Bus is:
172 times safer than your family automobile,
8 times safer than passenger trains,
4 times safer than transit buses,
4 times safer than intercity buses,
8 times safer than scheduled airlines.
Stay out of the Danger Zone
The "Danger Zone" is the 10 foot area around the bus.
The Bus driver can't see you when you are in the Danger Zone"
If the bus starts moving while you are in the
"Danger Zone" you could be dragged under.