
Urinetown Poster


Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Why is Newark High School doing a musical called Urinetown?!?!?

Certainly the name is odd but we have to be careful to not judge the book by its cover. We at Newark High School have always tried to present our audiences with more than the typical, conventional Broadway musical. Our selections have often been “outside the box”. Urinetown, while oddly named, is an extremely lauded piece of musical theatre history. It was nominated for 10 Tony awards in 2001 and won three of those awards for Best Book, Best Score, and Best Direction. The newness of the piece and the relevance to our ecological situation today is what first attracted us to the play. The process of choosing a musical is complicated one that involves not only finding something that the production team can get excited about but also takes into consideration the student talent available. We firmly believe that, when you come to see the play, you will agree that the actors cast for this show fit their roles to a “T”. The message is clear and strong and there is a wonderful sense of comedy in the show as it deals with a very serious subject. 


Question: What’s the general premise?

After a 20 year drought in a time not so distant, there is a government enforced ban on private toilets. All public facilities are regulated by a single corporation (The Urine Good Company) who collect fees for the use of their amenities. Amid the people, one hero emerges to plan a revolution to lead everyone to freedom.

Question: What is up with the title?

We agree. The title is unappealing. In fact, the characters make note of that right at the top of the show! It’s meant to grab your attention. Sure the plot is outlandish…or is it? In our current state of environmental issues like the one affecting California, is it that far-fetched to think of a time when water will be so regulated and controlled that a drought leads us to a government enforced ban on public toilets? Theatre allows us the opportunity to explore bigger issues like this…all within two hours and masked with singing and dancing!

Question: Can I bring my children to the show?

We would rate the show at a high end “PG”. There are some bathroom puns and also five or so “H” and “D” words. The main plot involves a civil revolution and star crossed lovers (who fall in love instantly when they meet on the street-we mentioned it’s a musical, right?!) Urinetown offers the qualities of a classic musical comedy – romance, vivid characters, great music, dancing, and it is loaded with laughs. We encourage you to research the musical the same way you would a movie in order to determine what your comfort level is.

Question: This seems like an odd show. Why should I come see it?

So many reasons!

Here are just a few:

The acting:          

Watching a group of actors transform into these crazy over the top characters will be a treat for everyone. Watch as relationships develop and change, leaders emerge, a revolution begins, and sacrifices are made.

The music:          

Even if you’ve never heard of it we guarantee you’ll be leaving the theatre humming along to the great music of Urinetown. The variety of musical styles present in the show are sure to please every music lover. There’s a gospel piece, a classic musical theatre love ballad, a swing number, an anthem…even a rhythmically spoken song! 

The dancing:       

Like the music, the dancing reflects the many styles represented. See if you can spot the swing dance moves, the classic Broadway look, or the nod to other shows like Fiddler on the Roof, Les Mis, and West Side Story.


 The orchestra:    

Urinetown features a small intimate orchestra that sounds more like a house band, playing everything from swing to jazz to modern Broadway sounds.

The technical aspects:

The stage and the actors have been transformed in the odd and quirky world of Urinetown. The set features a giant bridge like structure that the actors play on. The costumes, lights, hair, and makeup will complete the picture.


Students at Newark High School have been hard at work in rehearsals since January. The cast and crew is made up entirely of NHS students and they will be running the show performance weekend. We are really proud of the great positive work that students are doing at Newark High School. Come out and support our school community!