
The Newark Central School District prepares students for life after graduation by providing multiple opportunities for growth and success.

The District’s Office of Communications seeks to share these stories with the school community through, social media platforms on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, news releases to print and broadcast media, in-person presentations to the community and more.

News Releases

The Office of Communications seeks to promote items of significant interest to the local media. Information for media coverage should be submitted to the Office of Communications 7-10 days in advance. Requests can be made by emailing District Public Relations Coordinator Brenda Pittman, or Communications Coordinator and Webmaster, Kyle Bliek. The Office of Communications can write articles, take photos and shoot videos. Special building and classroom projects or events, unique learning activities, significant achievements by students and staff, along with collaborations with the outside community are of interest. Stories by the Office of Communications may be submitted to local news outlets for consideration. Note: Publication of materials cannot be guaranteed.

When the Media Reaches Out

The Office of Communications should be informed any time the media or other outside entity reaches out directly to a teacher, principal, or district employee for news coverage. The Office of Communications must be informed of colleges appearing on campus for photos to celebrate "sports recruits," community groups involved in special projects and anytime there are large or special events on campus.

Requests for the Office of Communications

School district staff are encouraged to submit ideas, articles, photos for use in a broad range of publications. Requests for coverage by the Office of Communications should be made two to three weeks in advance of a specific event. Same day requests or requests made within 24 hours of an event may not get covered. Publication is not guaranteed. Be sure to inform your building principal if you are requesting any type of coverage prior to soliciting coverage. 


Those submitting information to the Office of Communications should keep in mind the following:

  • Ensure that any time stamps are turned off on cameras before taking a photograph.

  • Smile in photographs. Shoot at eye level.

  • Make sure that the camera is set to take the best photograph possible. Photographs should be large, in color and high resolution (260 dpi). Photographs that are grainy, blurry or with subjects that are too small will not be considered for publication.

  • Do not send copyrighted items, songs, videos or other items. Permission for these items must be received in writing from the creator. Corporate logos or photos that have been taken by other publications cannot be reused by the Office of Communications without written permission. The Office of Communications will not pursue such requests.

  • Clearly identify everyone in the photograph by listing both the first and last names of those in the image, from left to right and by row, from top to bottom. Grade level should be included. Photos without names will not be considered. 

  • Follow a time, day, date and location format for any event (6 p.m., Monday, Sept. 1 at Newark High School). Include a title.

  • All documents posted to the district website should comply with existing federal, state and local laws. ADA compliance is a top priority.

Calendar Listings

The Office of Communications is constantly looking for items to add to the district’s online calendar. When submitting items be sure to include the event title, time, day, date, location, a few details about the event and a phone number, email or website to reference for more information. Incomplete information may not be published.

Social Media

District staff and the local community are encouraged to follow Newark Schools on social media. The Office of Communications encourages staff to submit photos, videos and other ideas for posting on the district’s networks. For the best engagement: Type should be detailed, photos should be close-up, and videos should be shot horizontally. The Office of Communications encourages the school community to tag "@NewarkCSD" and to use the hashtag: #GoReds. Follow us:

Photo Policy

The Office of Communications does not seek to promote anyone who doesn’t want to be featured or photographed. As a result, the Newark Central School District offers staff and families the option of opting out of media and other coverage. Those declining to be photographed or used in promotional materials should contact the main office of the building they attend/work and contact the Office of Communications. Contact the building your student is in for more information on this policy.