Board of Education Meetings and Materials
Regularly Scheduled Meetings
Residents are encouraged to attend school board meetings, which are regularly held on two Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 PM. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held in the High School LGI Room. The most up to date Board of Education meeting dates and locations can be found on the BoardDocs main page.
Public & Written Comment to the Board of Education
An agenda item called "Public Comment" invites the public and all other stakeholders in our children's education to comment on matters regarding the school district.
A representative will respond to each individual within (5) business days. Please note, the board has the right to determine whether particular subjects are inappropriate for public comment.
If you plan to speak during Public Comment, please email the District Clerk, Ed Gnau or Stacy Warren ( or by noon on the day of the board meeting.
Speakers Must:
Be a district resident, property owner, employee and/or a parent of a current student.
Wait to be called by the Board President and approach the podium to speak using the microphone.
Identify yourself.
Limit remarks to not more than 3 minutes.
Appoint a spokesperson if a concern is a group concern and supplement verbal presentation with written reports if necessary or desired.
Conduct themselves in a respectful or civil manner, in accordance with the District’s Code of Conduct and all applicable laws, regulations and policies. Personal comments toward a member of the community, staff, student or Board of Education member will not be considered appropriate.